My Favorite Rooster Died


In the Brooder
11 Years
Apr 22, 2008
Ocala, Florida
My favorite rooster "Big Boy" (pic in my profile) died last week. He was one of my original chickens. He became sick and no matter what I tried he never recovered.

We are a very sad household. The only good thing is that I do have one of his sons to carry on for him.
I'm so sorry for your loss,

I know just how it feels.
since my Silkie Roo Willie passed (3-10-06) He's aquired his own Myspace ( ), Had A song written about him that gets sung at the river lot constanly(southern boys never die), been in a comic strip (Doodletoons), and come up in my dreams almost everynight. He has credits on every website (dedications) and org. im affliated with (all donations to orgs. go in his name).

Well anyway, my point is,
You never get over them, you just get used to living without them; I hope Big Boy's Son brings you as much joy as he did. And one day, we'll all be together agian

**Edited to Add:: Big Boy was such a beautiful bird-espeically the way his feathers reflect the light.
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