To me it looks like number 4 is the best pic but unfortunately it looks like a clear or no good. The others are very hard to tell. Your hand is casting a very bad shadow. Sorry maybe someone else has a better eye. Good luck.
What day are you on? Pic #4 is clear...meaning it never started developing. The others, I would say are growing babies, but it is really hard to tell. It looks like you are holding them with the pointy end up? If you hold your light at the top (the fat end) and shine it down through the egg it is much easier to see.
I candled my eggs last night and had a terrible time! It was SO hard to see through the dark brown marans eggs: argh! I couldn't take pictures, so this thread is super helpful to me - thank you!
Oh, it was day #7... we had one definate dud (looked alot like your number four, but very pore-full), one visible dark chick growing and five "idunnos"! LOL ... I plan to candle again at day 14. Does that sound right to you all?
I posted pics of it right under your candled egg pics. Maybe something like this will help you take a better pic. To get the last pic of my candled egg, I had to use a tripod and play with my camera settings to get it clear enough to work. It is a real pain to get a good clear pic of something so dark!
That looks like a very doable candling set up. I'm going to buy one of those drink cozies and try your way next week when I candle the 12 (gulp!) eggs under my blue wyandotte. Thanks!