My first Keets born Monday


10 Years
May 26, 2013
Washington State
11 of 17 hatched out. Hatched naturally with mom and then I acquired them at a few hours old. We live in an area that is wooded and surrounded by every predator known to man or beast else I would have let mama raise them. I still feel guilty, but I know they have a much better survival rate with me. We are on day four now and all is well. We did sugar water supplements for the first three days, they are now eating, drinking, and pooping like champs. After I had gotten the original 10 from outside, I went back out to check for more three times. Not til an hour later and anextreme rainshower did I find number 11. He looked dead, but I warmed him,. massaged and towel dried and he came around. Too softhearted to stand by while something suffers. So with that let me introduce the newest members of my family: The Keetlings....

So adorable!
Makes me excited for our brood that are due to hatch next week!
Best of luck HoneyD. I had forgotten how much work they can be, and so curious. I put up a little mirror in their broodinng tub to keep them entertained...Going to feed store today for some Crickeys for them
will post the pics.

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