My Very First 6 Chickens
*~* Livin', Lovin', Learnin' *~*
Hello Chicken friends! I never see my chickens eat the oysters shells. Not really an issue b/c i thought they only eat them when they need them and their behavior and eggs are all normal. Today after Rosie laid her egg, It was soft!!! It looked completely normal, except that shell was soft! i feed the 5 girls 2 egg shells a day and they enjoy that, and their food does have calcium too. i threw the egg on the ground and the girls ate every last bite. Rosie was first in line too. Should I be concerned? i'm about 95% sure i know the chicken, so thats good, i can watch her now. could it be just a fluke and sometimes these things happen? Thanks a lot in advance. I hope my chicken is ok.