my game bird hen Went Broody!!!

Red jungle fowl88

10 Years
Nov 8, 2009
i went out becouse i heared alot of noise with my birds.... and i look in thier breeding pens and my Kelso Coon hen was sitting on her eggs!!!!!! yeah!!!! they were store eggs so i remove her reall eggs and replace them with store eggs... so they dont break!!! so i picked her up set the reall eggs down and she walked back over layed down and with here peak pulled the eggs under her!!!! it was amazing to see!!!! im so happy and excited i have 7 of her eggs in the bator due the 13th!!! and now shes sitting on 9 that will be due on the 28th!!! im so excited!!!
thank you southern bell, chicks4kids for youre support!
thanks. it seems like she cant sit on them all.... there was 11 and i took out 2 and it still seems she cant cover all 9 what should i do
I think if she can't sit on them all, she will discard any she feels aren't progressing. Of course others may disagree. I would just leave them and be sure to candle later on down the road.

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