My girls are growing up so fast!!


Dec 19, 2015
Against all better judgement and research, we bought 6 Silver Laced Wyandottes on Thanksgiving weekend thinking I had PLENTY of time to finish the coop. The weather in SF Bay area saw it differently. Sunday, we will have had them 4 weeks, so I'm pretty sure they're 5-6 weeks old. My question is, is there any danger of shock by moving them from the warmer house into the cold coop. They've been under a heat lamp 100% of their time here, in a brooder, in the dining room. in the house, the lamp keeps them around 60-75f.
It's Christmas eve and they really need to go.
I'll have a heat lamp in the coop, but it is getting down to just above freezing here in Oakland. I doubt I can maintain 50f overnight in the coop. They huddle together as soon as I remove the lamp for any reason i.e. changing food and water.
I am planning on using deep litter method during winter months at least.
Anything I should be concerned about?

Bryan in Oakland

If they huddle together they are cold, so you will need to maintain the heat and gradually wean them off the heat. I hope others with more experience can advise further.

Good luck

Here are the girls as of Jan 3. Two still have a bit of down on their butts, but otherwise they're fully feathered. Temp got down into the low 40s f and they did just fine.

Couple of questions:
Is it too early (6-8 weeks old) to begin adding salad and stale bread scraps into their diets? No meat.

Does anyone have a design for a predator proof (rats, cats, raccoons, hawks) chicken run that is built on a STEEP 30% slope? I plan on using 1/2" PVC with construction fabric, but the angles make for a tough build and a LOT of wasted mesh. Any Ideas? I'm also posting this on the coop/run forum,

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