Hi, I've been on the site once before as Gabbychick but was unable to sign in so now I'm Gabbychicky. Question...I have 2 beautiful Light Brahma chicken who are about 71/2 to 8 months old. They have settled into their tractor well and love the added area I've fenced off for them. I'm wondering when I should move them to their winter coop which is a dog kennel refitted to be a very secure chicken coop. The girls have not laying yet, they are molting now and the days are getting shorter. Should I put a light in the coop for 14 hours to force them to lay???? probably not the right word. I don't want to harm their productivity. We live in upstate New York and our winters can be brutal. The coop is insulated with windows but I will not be heating it. I know I have a lot of questions but first chickens, first winter etc. Love love these girls.