My girls better love me!


9 Years
Mar 8, 2015
My Coop
My Coop
I just spend 6 hours total shoveling washed and strained River sand into the run. Man my hands are sore, my back hurts. But already one day I can see the difference. The mud was sticking to their feet causing problems and I have one bird who got bumble foot. She is having very loose poop, can bumble foot cause loose poop? Should I be concerend?

The sand keeps their feet clean and soft. Plus cali is supposed to have El Nino come through soon so I wanted to.prepare the run for tons of rain
Bumblefoot is a nothing more than cut/wound with a staph infection in it.
If the infection goes systemic it could cause loose stools, but bird would probably be very sick.
Will I notice today when I pick her up she is losing weight she feels a lot later than she was her stools are still loose and they have that blue screen color to them and she's not eating I've noticed as well as she should be on the cut itself looks fine but the back of her leg her scales look a little red so in the leg is slightly warmer so I'm taking her to the vet on Friday thank God he seized exotic animals and birds and parrots and all that kind of fun stuff so he'll be able to hopefully give me a prophylactic antibiotics and get her feeling better

Took pita to the vet. On oral atb and stool pending for coccidosis
The mud was sticking to their feet causing problems and I have one bird who got bumble foot.

Bumblefoot is a nothing more than cut/wound with a staph infection in it.

You can kill an external infection of any bacteria with honey, dip your finger in honey, dab it all over the wound. Leave it on for a minute or five and wash off, to check that there is not caked on dirt in the wound. Clean if you can if you see some, and repeat. Honey can kill staph and is especially good at killing antibiotic resistant strains. Given that antibiotics have all lost their effects worldwide from over-use, the medical profession is 're-discovering' honey.

You can research more if you like
Thought I posted but can't see it. Weird.

Anyhow. Glad your vet was able to examine her and prescribe the proper medication. Keep doing as the vet suggested and hopefully she will be on the mend soon.
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