my goose just lost her mate :(

I am so sorry for you and your goose. I was wondering about this myself, being new to geese. I read that they mate for life but wondered what happened if one died. Do you put them with another adult or do you raise a gosling with them? Maybe an experienced goose person will chime in to offer an opinion. Again, I am sorry. I have only had mine few weeks but I cannot imagine one without the other.

I don't know much about geese, but we have Canada geese that come to nest at our pond every year. My DH said they always come back to where they nested the year before and they always have the same mate, they mate for life. There has been many times when a single goose would be at the pond with no mate. I find it so sad and have always wondered what happens.
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Sometimes they will accept another mate. I have a gander with two geese. One girl lost her mate and took up with the other gander who was mated to her BFF.

I would try offering her another mate. Can you find someone with an extra gander? If you can't, perhaps you can find another goose to keep her company.
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They grieve, sometimes until the next mating season, but life goes on and they will usually select a new mate if one is available. They are long lived and would not survive very well as a species if they went out of production at the loss of one of a pair. Mate for life means that if the mate is present it will probably continue to be one of its mates. Like some humans that does not mean that they will never have another partner.
so sorry.
this happened to me last fall. My dogs got out and killed one, at the time we thought we had a female left so I found two other pairs and they all get along great except she turned out to be a he and its mating season and I have 3 ganders and only two geese. I have had to seperate the ganders. But the two ganders I put together are getting along fine.
Good luck
My Goose lost his mate last year also. I want to get some more geese, but I was wondering if he will take up with another hen...I hear they mate for life. how does it work if I get geese from a hatchery and it's a odd number of females to males, what will happen?

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