My Hen has Tiny Toenails!!


6 Years
Feb 5, 2018
Feather Falls, CA
I bought 4 Delaware hens already grown from a man who was selling his place a few months ago. I noticed that one has tiny little toe nails on the middle toe of each foot. I guess it's a genetic anomaly? Will she pass this trait on to her chicks??

delaware toes big.jpg delaware one toe.jpg
Not sure if this is related, but my mother smashed her finger in a car door right where the cuticle is and the nail fell off only to regrow into a rice grain mass where the cuticle is. it kinda looks like that. seeing how those are the front two toes it is possible that it was an injury.
Have you ever seen such a thing before? I haven't and it's WEIRD!! At first I thought she had NO nails on those middle toes! it doesn't seem to bother her at all. ;)
I can't recall for sure but I do vaguely remember a chicken of mine missing a toenail or having one that was broke off far back. But your pic is definitely interesting. 0.o
It might have just broken off. I’ve seen that before and the chicken was fine. She just squawked and did the usual.

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