I know what you are thinking its just pecking order - but the one that is doing it is not the top hen.
Last night I picked up my favorite Red Star and noticed that her head is almost bald and her neck feathers have been pecked on as well. Is there anything that I can put on her that will help to keep I believe my Silver Lace from pecking her. I was thinking something that doesn't taste good - but don't know what that might be. Maybe a cute bonnet - no seriously I want to stop this behavior soon.
This is the same Silver Lace that has been pulling the tail feather off my roo too.
Last night I picked up my favorite Red Star and noticed that her head is almost bald and her neck feathers have been pecked on as well. Is there anything that I can put on her that will help to keep I believe my Silver Lace from pecking her. I was thinking something that doesn't taste good - but don't know what that might be. Maybe a cute bonnet - no seriously I want to stop this behavior soon.
This is the same Silver Lace that has been pulling the tail feather off my roo too.