My hen suddenly died in my daughter's arms-could it have been a mal seizure??


9 Years
Apr 14, 2010
We are devistated. My daughter just picked her up- something we do all the time- and Miss Delly suddenly dropped her head down and her eyes closed and then started flapping violently. She put her on the ground and Miss Delly fell to her side and died. All in a matter of 30 seconds. We are heartbroken. And we have no explanation as to what happened. I know chickens can have seizures, but a grand mal??

Does anyone know what could have possibly happened? We need some closure.
From the sounds of it she did have a seizure or heart attack. Considering the short amount of time it took it was probably a heart attack. I apologize for your loss. It is never nice.
Sorry for your loss... The seizures were most likely the throes of death as was the wing flapping. Perhaps she had ascites and picking her up caused the fluid to put pressure on her heart and lungs.

Thank you for the replies. It was very hard to understand at the time exactly what had happened. But now it makes sense hearing an explanation from someone. I have had small flocks throughout the last 15 years and nothing like this has ever happened. Now we have closure. Thanks so much.

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