My hen's eyes are swollen with bumps(pictures)? What should I do?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Oct 19, 2012
I have a 6 month old Serama hen, she is very small. What does she have? I started seeing signs when she had red on the corner of her eyes and then a week later I saw that bumps were growing around her eye area and her eyes are almost shut. I have been applying lotion and cleaning it with alcohol and qtip but I'm afraid it hasn't been working. Please help, she is like a pet to me and she is still very active, she eats it is just her eye that is the problem.Is there any medicine that I can buy or any remedy I can do because I don't have the money to go visit a veterinarian. Here are some pictures of her eyes.

That's exactly the way my rooster's eyes look!! I hope you get the answers --- because I need them too! BOTH of my rooster's eyes are that way -- and I fear he will die because he can't see to eat. I dip his head in water so he can drink, but there's no way he's getting enough.

I did an internet search of Fowl Pox and apparently it's a virus that has to run its course, but there is a vaccination for it to prevent others from getting it. I just wonder how many of them die before it runs its course, since (as with my rooster) both eyes can be shut with it!!


He will die if you don't help him eat. You can scramble egg and mix it with cottage cheese (mine like this best) and slip some in the side of his beak and he will eat. You can dribble water into the side of his beak a little at a time and he will swallow it. I usually only have to do this a couple days or so and they seem to get the hang on eating again. It seems like they lose the interest or something but feeding them by hand seems to get them back in gear. Keep wiping the eyes to try to keep them from sealing shut and damaging the eyes. If this is pox there isn't much you can do other than keep them from stopping eating.
no, there are no bumps on comb or legs..just on the eye. how much are the vaccination and how can i get it?
I'm not sure. I have never vaccinated mine. It doesn't help once they get it and mine all seem to get it at about the same time. Also I have only ever had versions of the dry form so they aren't so bad off.
so do i just let it run its course? how long does it last and should i separate her?

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