My house stinks now...


Easter Hatch!!
10 Years
Jul 17, 2009
So the MIL was here a while ago: she is disabled and has been having trouble with her lower teeth hurting.

Unbenownst to me, she took the Costco bottle of Gentleman's Jack down from the top cuppoard and put it in the bottom cuppoard behind my 3-year-old's cups. She was using the Jack to dab on her gums---but can't drink it because of her atoxia---I guess it was easier for her to get at it from down low.

ANYWHOO, the baby likes to play in that cuppoard: he pulls out the cups, restacks them, and scatters them all around the tile. I am sure you've figured it out...I am standing less than 2 feet away washing dishes when I hear *CRASH*!!

Thankfully the bottle didn't shatter, and the baby only had two small cuts, but PPPHEEEEEWWWWW does it smell like a tavern in here. Bleh. I think these jeans may never recover.
OMG, thank god the baby is OK! And she had kids? LOL i have to have that stuff locked in a key entry closet for foster care. I am just waiting for the day "someone" forgets to lock that door
I think she'd forgotten what it is like to have kids. I keep all that stuff up WAAAAY high, and we are tall people. The lower cuppoards are ALL kid-friendly stuff: chicken scrap bowls, kid sippy cups, spatulas, and the big pots. That way the baby can play while I cook & clean.

The baby's cuts look really minor, but he did not appreciate the smell. He's only 10 months, so I think that was his first experience with "daddy juice".

She is going to get a piece of my mind, big-time. I may move everything over to the pantry, just in case. Good call on the locks.

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