My Ideal Chicks!


11 Years
Feb 19, 2008
I would definately order from Ideal again. My chicks came a week early. There were 31 or 32 chicks. All arrived healthy and active. Here are my 15. They were all together in the same box so we're not compeletly certain we got the breeds right.

I have 3 EE pullets,
3 GLW Wyandottes pullets (I know I have those)
3 SLW Wyandottes pullets
3 Barred Holland pullets
2 GL Polish St run

I was supposed to have 3 Australorp pullets but I think that one lone black one is the only Australorp. I guess we'll see when they feather out.


Gosh I hope this works. I would post more but I'm on dialup.
Thanks BrahmaMama. And congrats to you too.

Jayere, congrats! I can't wait until I get past this first week. Maybe I can relax a little.

Thanks Sailor. I think so too.

Fivebigreds, I know the Australorps are not solid black but it's the only one not striped so I think that's the one. I should have been more clear in my post. It's right in front on an EE. The others are striped so probably the Barred Holland and the Silver Laced Wyandottes. I've figured out the Gold Laced Wyandottes, the EEs and the Gold Laced Polish.

I have cockaties so put a hanging rope toy thing in with the chicks. It works well to entertain them! In turn, they entertain me.

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