my "jersey black giant" is started to look like a cuckoo maran*PICS*


Off to another pond
11 Years
Nov 4, 2008
I swear, I JUST noticed this, looking at the week old cuckoo maran chicks, and looking at the "jersey black giant" chick, we got from ideal....they LOOK identical!!

marans, white spot on the head, black giant, white spot on head.

marans, white barrinf on the wing feathers, giant, white barring on wing feathers, and I just noticed that she has got BARRING on her chest feathers!!!,

she isn't BIG, I always figured jersey black GIANTS would be BIG,

I looked up pics, her face and head look EXACTLY like a cuckoo maran.

Ideal has cuckoo marans, but they're out til june...

here are pics

here you can see some barring on her chest

the barring on her wing

good pic of the chest barring, and her face

*ps* ignore the ugly hick-i-fyed unshaved ugly that is me in these pics, plzkthx
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Did she look like this when she was new?


This is what my jerseys looked like (males) at a day old.

At almost 2 weeks mine now are black. with a white stripe that runs from under the chin (going up under the eyes) down to their tail.

Then their wings are black, with white underneath, and a small spot of white where it connects to the body, kinda on the underside.

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not so much white I don't think, I'll have to rustle up some pics, I've got pics of her, it's just a matter of getting my lazy SO to upload them for me, I dunno how
As far as I know, JGs don't have a white spot on their heads at hatch. If there is barring, not just some white feathers, it is not a JG chick.
pics are *SLOWLY* being uploaded now

she, along with the rest came from ideal as a JG chick, everyone else is what they're supposed to be.

but I do not think shes a JG
I'm thinking that's a Maran. The light ring around the eye looks like my Maran's that are 4 weeks old, that and the yellow beak. I also have JG that are 4 weeks old and they have black beaks.

Edited....the below pic's are at about two weeks.


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Ok so I think Olive is about the same age as your peep in this pic...I sure don't remember any barring on either if the BJGs we had...I think you have something else!
how ironic would that be
, we just got cuckoo maran chicks too!

if it is a maran, what are the likelyhood it's STILL gonna be a pullet, because the JBG that it was supposed to have been is a pullet

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