My ladies are loud!


In the Brooder
7 Years
Feb 17, 2012
Richardson Tx
I'm a little worried my ladies may be louder than usual. This is my first go round so I'm not sure if this is normal. I expected this after they lay an egg or if a predator is around but they're just chatty Kathy's all day. Anything I can do to keep em quieter? Treats, toys, hobbies, games, etc?

1 New Hampshire red, 2 wyendottes, 1 welsummer, 1 americauna, and 1 dotted Sussex

100 sq ft of run, 30 sq ft coop, and they free range a few days a week.

I'm currently supplementing light but have decided to back this off weekly to get them on their normal cycle.

Thanks for any suggestions!
Chickens like to communicate, if they lay eggs they will go crazy doing their "egg song" and when there is a predator they will scream to the others warning them. They also talk throughout the day clucking all the time. If nothing is wrong then this is just normal behavior.
Have you tried a radio? I keep a radio on 24/7 in my coop, tuned to NPR as they prefer classical, blues, and talk over all else. It's just loud enough to produce some white noise so they don't get startled as easily and turn it down to a whisper at night as I find it helps them sleep. The will still "gossip" back and forth but it should help with the volume control a bit.
I hope this helps!

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