My ladies stopped laying


In the Brooder
6 Years
Oct 14, 2013
Orangevale, CA
I have 2 beautiful Buff Orpingtons hens (downsized from 4 hens about 2 months ago) that have recently stopped laying. They are exactly 1 year old this month. One lady stopped laying about 30 days ago and the second stopped laying about a week ago. They get as much food as their hearts desire, the temps are still high here averaging 90 degrees, they are as happy as ever and free range 3-4 hours a day. They are not molting. The only thing that changed was the departure of 2 hens. Would this cause my buffs to stop laying? Could there be something wrong with them?
Since you gave the others away 2 months ago, don't think that's the cause.
If they are eating, acting normal, not likely ill.

Are you sure they are not broody?

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