my little baby (PICS)


10 Years
Dec 22, 2009
Louisville, KY
i was at a chicken swap about a month ago and i picked up what was sold to me as 2 self blue oegb well one turned into something different like a d'anver and i kept theother one which is a self blue oegb. I had named them Ewe and Kay, it is a joke because i am a HUGE university of Kentucky (UK) fan and i didnt want to name the U and K so i switched it up, well ewe was the odd ball so we sold her to someone with d'anvers. Anywho ever since then Kay has just attached herself to me and she hates it when i leave the coop i can take her anywhere b/c she sits on my shoulder and just hangs out. I dont know why she is so attached to me but i think maybe it might be because i take her out of the coop and let her eat crickets till her crop is stuffed full! she is my little baby and i hope she stays this calm as she gets bigger. I am going to try to get pics up soon!
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here she is:


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