
In the Brooder
11 Years
Jun 13, 2008
New Orleans, LA
im so mad right now,i keep the 2 chiks in a bird cage thats layed on its side to separate them from the 1 big chicken (wich i think is unnecessary they get along fine) and it has 6 opening doors well my mom said she saw both little chiks in there and 15 min later they got out (cause i didnt secure a door) w its around 8:40 in the morning, ------------------- O MAN WHILE TYPING THIS HE CAME BACK!!! anyway im so glad well i have NO idea were he was i searched everywhere, 3 nieghbors yards every nook and cranny, my mom says a squirrel was in the tree making noise and the chickens were frozen silent, and there was a LOT of poo in the corner of the bird cage, little chik poo, did the squirrel scare my little chik away? to clarify only 1 chik ran away 1 stayed a roamed the yard and the big chicken was locked up in the coop, he just appeared out of nowhere hungry and he lets me pick him up without squirming and trying to get away like usual, was he scared? i had murderous intents for that squirrel
So happy you found your little chick!!

That was very hard not knowing where it was I know.

We had a neighbor's dog chase one of our sweet chickens somewhere into the neighborhood & we eventually found her hiding in a neighbor's grill cover thankfully. My chickens have a good run now though & that helps a lot!!
looking closer i can see a little blood, well dried right where the beak meets the comb should i just leave it or put like neosporin on it? and how do you think it happened?
Chickie may have gotten his comb cut sticking his head out of the wire. Is it possible they may have gotten out by wriggling between the wire? Put some Neosporin on but make sure the other chickie doesn't eat it.
Glad you have your little one back. Last night I cleaned out the brooder and let the chicks run around the living room for a little bit while I did it. I had my son help me do a head count and put them all back in after the brooder was cleaned. Well like 4 or 5 hours later my son says to me that there is a chick walking around the living room. We missed one and it must have been hiding out or napping the whole time and then just casually walked across the living room. There is no way it got out of the brooder because I have snapping door locks that I can hardly open.
Your little one is home safe and sound now and may not try to escape again.
i think somethings wrong, hes doing the same things my bantams did before they died, standing up and closing his eyes like hes trying to sleep standing up. i picked him up and examined him real close and some feathers on his wing are kinda stripped, like something grabbed its wing and he pulled away. is he just tired from his experience or is something wrong?
i dont really know how old he is but im gonna say less than a month, and yes he ate and drank all day but i think im just worried cause of how he reminded me of my old bantams

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