My little Daisy hen was taken last night :-(


Mar 29, 2021
My heart is broken. I woke up this morning and noticed that the rooster was a bit more quite than usual. I went outside and found a trail of feathers leading from a hole under the near my front door...and then near the tomato plant. Then the trail stopped. One of my hens was taken/killed. Noooo! I did not hear anything last night though - and the window where I sleep is not far from the coop. Im scared for tonight! I am going to fix the hole etc - but I have a few questions:

Do the feathers mean thats where Daisy was struggling and then when the trail stops, where the predator "won" and then took the chicken away? This is my first chick lost - so Im unfamiliar. Part of me wants to keep looking for her - I already have scanned the entire farm and no trace of more feathers.

Do you have any advice on what I can do to keep this raccoon/fox/etc away besides securing the coop more?

I did not expect to cry as much as I have been over this loss - this part of having chickens pulls at my heart strings.
Oh - I have that. I thought you meant something else. :) I have wiring all around the coop...but this predator dug under the wood fence part - where I dont have that. Hmmm
An apron shoud be attached to the coop and be buried a foot or more .Some extend it out from the coops perimeter about a foot or so(instead of burying it.Landscape staples attachs it to the ground to keep them from going under it or lifting it up.
Sorry for your loss.
Can you go out and take some clear pictures of your coop including the area where the predator got in?
My heart is broken. I woke up this morning and noticed that the rooster was a bit more quite than usual. I went outside and found a trail of feathers leading from a hole under the near my front door...and then near the tomato plant. Then the trail stopped. One of my hens was taken/killed. Noooo! I did not hear anything last night though - and the window where I sleep is not far from the coop. Im scared for tonight! I am going to fix the hole etc - but I have a few questions:

Do the feathers mean thats where Daisy was struggling and then when the trail stops, where the predator "won" and then took the chicken away? This is my first chick lost - so Im unfamiliar. Part of me wants to keep looking for her - I already have scanned the entire farm and no trace of more feathers.

Do you have any advice on what I can do to keep this raccoon/fox/etc away besides securing the coop more?

I did not expect to cry as much as I have been over this loss - this part of having chickens pulls at my heart strings.
I am sorry that happened!! That sounds like what happened to my hen, I know for sure a coyote took mine. Do you have coyotes in your area?
I am sorry that happened!! That sounds like what happened to my hen, I know for sure a coyote took mine. Do you have coyotes in your area?

Im so sorry that happened to your hen, too! Its so sad. we do have coyotes - thats a good point that it might be one. There was no blood, foot prints, etc..only feathers leaving a trail. Im worried about tonight!

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