my meat birds are 4 weeks old--what should they be eating now??


12 Years
Dec 28, 2007
SW Ont, Canada
They have been on chick starter, but i need to refill the feeder. Do I continue with the shick starter, are switch to the finisher. sorry--my first time with meat birds....
Freezer. I was told at my co-op to start them on chick starter, and they sold me several bags of the stuff, however, I still have some bags of it left, and am starting to think they need something more. They are almost completely feathered.
Well dont wste feed, i would let them finish it off. Then swith to a flock raiser or turkey start. For more maetier birds, start them on turkey starter and feed them that until butcher.
Mine have been eating chick starter. We don't have turkey starter around here (my turkeys get game bird food). I want to know when I can put the meat birds outside? They are only partially feathered and about 3 weeks old.
DC, I just (2 days ago) moved mine out of the brooder, but put them into the barn. Our weather has been weird, (really hot, really cold, and Lots of rain)so I couldn't risk them outside. I have the heat lamp on them only if night temps are low (last night 15C 60F ) How long were you told to keep them on chick starter? i was told for 24 chicks, 4 bags of chick starter-- I still have 2 bags left.
I wasn't told anything, and I would assume that the amount of bags you buy would have to correspond with the amount of meat birds you have. I started with 10 and have 9 right now (one had to be culled). They are just starting in on their second bag of Start and Grow.

Any other thoughts about when you put them outside, and what to feed them, and for how long?
Feed them broiler feed. Don't put a lot of money in expensive starter feeds if you can save with a broiler feed ration. They will eat so much from here on out that it isn't in any way cost effective to dump that kind of feed into them. They will be gin to eat more than they are worth. You have 4+ weeks left to finish them off. At 6 weeks old you can add in some cracked corn to the mix to put on a layer of nice yellow fat for rendering the schmaltz after processing.
Sometimes chick starter is called "Starter/Grower". If that's the case, you can keep them eating the same thing right up to the end.

However, it says "Medicated" anywhere on the feed, you will probably want to stop before then. I've been told that you should stop feeding medicated feed to birds at least 3 weeks prior to processing. Maybe it doesn't really matter. I don't know. I don't use medicated feed at all anymore.

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