My (meat) turkeys are too fat. Anything we can do?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jun 7, 2012
Sonoma county
My Coop
My Coop
We're raising five bronze broad breasted turkeys this year, it's our first time raising this type of poultry.

Butcher one tom and one hen today, then cooked up the hen. The roasting pan literally filled up with melted fat during cooking.
When I sliced the bird for dinner, it was apparent that she had a lot of fat on her. A lot of fat between her thighs and the the breast and around her neck and cavity and on the sides of her breast.

I want some fat on the birds, but this was so much is was ridiculous (like 1/2" in some places.

Is there a way to slim down our other three turkeys a bit before Thanksgiving butchering time?
Take them to my house.
I feed them everything leftover from the kitchen, dog food, and game feed mix. They hardly gain anything.
Not sick, no worms, best poop you've ever seen (and lots of it).

What do you say we swap turkeys for a couple weeks?

I can think of a number of things I'm doing wrong, but I've changed the routine only once a month and they just dont want to put on the big meat or fat. Some days I think they saw the plan and do everything they can to stay off target weight so they live longer.
Sneaky birds.
No pictures, it was just copious amounts we were taking off after cooking the hen.
We took the tom off the bone and disposed of the skin and fat before freezing.

Will take some pictures of the next ones we butcher in a couple weeks.
I am only in my second year raising Heritage turkeys, but I would cut the grains if you are talking scratch grains with a lot of cracked corn in it. Also let them out to free range a bit if you can. Increase the veggies and grass and go easy on the bread. It is only my opinion, but I think the higher protein and lower fat and carbs, will give you more muscle and less fat. Light exercise will help a lot with turkeys. They do not do nearly as well in confinment as chickens do in confinement. What kind of feed are you feeding and what % protein? If you can give them some crickets, they will make you laugh.
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