My meaties are starving! Processing tomorrow...


7 Years
Jan 30, 2012
Trinity, TX
Well today we decided we just couldn't stand it anymore, and processed two birds that were put in the pen this morning after not being fed all night. They weighed out at about 5 lbs dressed, and pretty well immediately went on the grill. Yes, we were impatient but it was SOOO worth it. Quartered one bird, skinned it, seasoned it with my special chicken rub, and wrapped them in bacon. The meat was falling off the bones! They were SUPER juicy! Flash grilled them, then slowed it down and slow cooked the remainder. Had bacon on the tops to soak into the meat, because I was having a bacon fix... Ate lunch, second lunch, supper, and second supper. I'm not sure how I will get more food into my body over the next few days!

The remaining birds are starving in the kill pen tonight. No food, no water, they're not liking it. But I want them CLEAN tomorrow.

Wish ya'll would've warned me they poop all over themselves and get raw spots on their bellies when you let them go to long! The two roo's I processed this morning had poop all in the feathers by their butts,
, it was kind of gross. But plucking was a breeze, the feathers pulled right out. No yanking, no fussing, just straight pluck! Somehow, though, we broke the wing of one. Ended up quartering him.

Aside from the fact meaties are gross, fat slobs who eat and poop way more than any type of poultry I've ever owned in my life... I would definitely do it again, the ending bird had such a delicate taste! Mmmmmm....
I have taken feed away from them the night before processing but I would never take their water away!! I've never experienced the raw spots on the belly before but have heard it happens. I have been feeding my CX fermented feed this year and OMGosh, I can't believe the difference in these birds to the ones I raised last year. Hope the flavor is good!!

Good luck processing the rest of them! :)
I'm not being picky, but I'm just sayin' I wish my wishlist for my birds was complete! Killing cones, plucker, food processor, canner... Just a few things that would be nice to own for today!

The final birds are highly upset that I fed the rest of the flock but passed them up. They're upset with the lack of the food bucket... lol

I will attempt to get pictures today. These meaties were free ranged with my guinea flock, so they're very lean but also very thick. It was really funny to watch them try to keep up with the guineas! I don't know that I'd want to do meaties again, even with the noticable difference in taste... BUT! We will see after processing today, and the grill will be going...
LOL...I hear ya on all the supplies needed. We did purchase a killing cone and used a friends plucker but I ended up plucking them by hand because it was almost faster and the plucker kept tearing the skin. :( They are definitely easy to hand pluck!! I wish I had a pressure canner!

I can't even imagine the frenzy they must have been in when everyone else got fed and they didn't!
They literally moved the pen as I fed everyone but them... The power of a chicken draft! Three left to go now, and probably going to do them later this evening so I can get some pictures... At the risk of not getting them done for a few days the three survivors were fed. May not end well if I process this evening...

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