My mouth just watered


Rhymes with 'henn'
11 Years
Jun 14, 2008
South Puget Sound
I'm watching "Bizarre Foods" and he's in Paris. He just visited a mustard store where the mustard is on tap.



I love mustard. A friend of mine is coming to visit from Germany in May and I'm going to ask him to bring me some Bavarian mustard. YUMMMMM
Now they're talking about French cheese. He said the cheese cellar smells like:

"Moldy rotten eggs trampled by the feet of a thousand unwashed teenaged boys."


I miss France!!!
Anthony Bourdain(sp?) grew up in France....i actually like him better than Andrew ya got me channel surfing, trying to find it....
Ah but PC - you forget that I lived in France and have a deep affinity for ze Franche peeepul and their marvelous cuisine.

I normally prefer Anthony Bourdain but can't resist the Paris episode of Bizarre Foods.

NP - I could totally whip up some mustard. LOL I was sorely tempted by the recipes for it that I found last summer.

OK, now it's bacon & eggs ice cream. Andrew Zimmern just asked if there wasn't a food in the world that isn't made better by the addition of bacon.
Oh I didn't forget. If I went to France and could choose one guide it would
be you.

The love of mustard and cheese I understand. It was the fondness of
the smell of the cheese cellar that concerned me.
Now he's having a "hand grenade that is about to explode in my mouth".

It's a strawberry dessert of some kind with an egg foam "that fills the mouth with nothing but flavored air".

I'd happily take a group of BYC-ers to France. DBF has only been to port cities while in the military. He didn't like France and I can't wait to introduce the France that I know & love to him someday.

I don't love the smell of stinky cheese... I love the thought of eating stinky cheese! Once the rind is off (and possibly in another room), it's creamy heaven. But I don't like blue cheese.
I try & try to like the stuff, but... bluck.

Ooh... next up is snails! Ironically, the only place I've had escargot was in Portland, OR.

edited for spelling
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