My new chickens came with plucked feathers and red behinds


8 Years
Jul 1, 2013
Stagecoach Nevada
The hens I raised keep pecking at the new ones red bottoms. I was wondering, if I put blue coat on their red skin will it help to stop the pecking? Will it sting the chickens when I put it on. Or any other ideas??? There was nothing wrong with the chickens, just over crowded. I have always had ducks. I am new to chickens.
Definitely give them some more space, if you can. I haven't have much experience with Blue-coat so I can't give you anything on how it'll turn out. Can you post some pictures of the hens? What breed are they? Good luck!
Its always good practice to keep any new chickens away from your chickens for a month before introducing them and treating them for any illnesses they might have, if you dont already do so. This will also help them grow back their missing feathers and be far less likely to get pecked.
Ok so when they roost tonight i will take the new ones out of the coop and let them run the backyard. Usually all the chickens run the backyard and return to the coop when it gets dark. The new girls can go under the porch for shelter. They will have lots of room while their feathers grow back. I have 10 barred rock one Americana and 2 Delaware chickens. I also have 18 barred rock rocks chicks in the broader and 3 in the incubater. And Bob the rooster. I will get a picture posted
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Yikes! Were I live I worry about predators especially at night. Don’t know your setup but if you could wire a portion off of the run. Make a pen within the pen with some type shelter. Maybe a dog crate. Chickens sometimes get stuck on stupid. Don’t know if I’d trust new girls to figure out that under the deck is ?safe?
They usually like to go up high. Best wishes
The smaller in closed coop is where I will put my established chickens. Maybe 10 days? Maybe I should put antibiotics in the water for everyone since I didn't quarnteen them right away.
My backyard has wood fence with chicken wire on the inside and a net over the top. There is a smaller coop on the inside. You can see it in the picture. The weather is nice right now but I will watch them carefully and put treats under the porch.

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