My new RIR's I got today!


Where Chickens Ride Horses
15 Years
Jul 9, 2007
always changing

Chickies arrived at feed store yesterday and I was there today getting some! I wanted more........
They have some Americauna's too, I really want some of those too! Maybe I'll go back tomorrow.
SO CUTE!!! I love my RIRs. They are the nicest IMO. A few years ago I had a RIR roo named Willy(RIP). He was my baby, so friendly and tame. I miss him terribly:(
Oh they are just too adorable!!! I wish I lived closer. I would hop over there! You are a few hours from us. Our feed store doesn't get too many chicks in and it is a MAD rush to the store to get them.
The weather here is warming up. Yesterday was 65*. This morning there isn't even any frost! Probably high 30's last night. Today looks promising to be warm again! I have 10 days off work, so it was the perfect time to get babies, My other chickens are 6 years now, 3 of the 4 are still laying, but I just felt it was time to get more chickies, its been a long time since I had chickies!! They like to sleep in their food bowl, its cute!
Very nice RIR chicks! They look healthy and happy, too. Congratulations! How I hope the local feed store here would sell different breeds aside from cornishes.

Good luck with them!
Beautiful chicks! Yes deffinetly go back and get some EEs!
Also why dont you have them on shavings?

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