It arrived last night and was set on the pressure treated lumber foundation I built. I don't have my pictures up yet but my builder just put a listing for the coop on Craigslist. I originally saw the Saltbox Coop on MPC but it was small and not available yet so I asked my builder to do something like it for me. I liked the slant because I have goats and they will slide right off if they even try to get up on it. He realized after buildng mine that he charged me way to little! But, hey, I am a repeat customer. You can see it here and I will be posting pics as well today. The first picture is of the coop in my yard after a late night delivery last night. I absolutely love it and my 3 little silkies are going to be crazy about it. Oh, nevermind, they were crazy before I ordered it.
You can see it here:
You can see it here: