My NYD Hatch Pics! (Naked Neck, Ameraucana, and Barnyard Mix)

This is NOT fair, you're making me want fluffy butts again!
Such amazingly beautiful babies.
Enjoy them!

One week old :) I won't be able to take photos of them alone come next week! LOL

Darker naked neck

Came from the same yard as the NNs but obviously, not NN ;)

Speckled Sussex/Barred Rock - This pairing creates a black sex link - I have at least one girl!

Black Mottled Ameraucana

Speckled Sussex/Red Sex Link - Most likely a boy

Black Copper Marans

Lighter naked neck

Speckled Sussex/Dark Cornish

Speckled Sussex/Australorp

Speckled Sussex/Easter Egger

Blue Ameraucana

Speckled Sussex/Red Sex Link

Blue Mottled Ameraucana

Black Ameraucana

Black Ameraucana
So, we lost the NN chicks after week one. Sucks, but they weren't thriving :/

At any rate, the rest of the 13 are boisterous and ready to get out of their pen. I'll be moving them outside as soon as I can (with supplemental heat and all that jazz).

Week 2!


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