My older chick ha turned into a surrogate mama


In the Brooder
12 Years
May 9, 2007
Klamath Falls, Oregon






This was after putting them together for three days. Flo was just a little baby on Mother's Day herself! Hahaha! I was worried that she was going to hurt the chicks. Well, I don't think I have to worry about her being mean. But, I might have to worry about her not wanting to give up her eggs later. What do you think?
How cute is THAT!

I love the third picture, her bending over and a fluffy butt in the air - so cute!
This is where I keep them at night. During the day they are in the coop outside. I just haven't let them stay outside at night yet. We have Coons here and I want to make sure I have everything good and tight first. The neighbors have lost all of their Koi fish. My husband says I am Mama hen myself. Hahaha! Oh well.
Is she a Buff Orpington? She looks exactly like my guys, now 6 weeks old. Same fluffy butt and gorgeous color. Yours is a special chick for sure.
Yes she is a Buff Orpington. She isn't full grown. She was just a little fuzzy on Mother's Day when I first got her. Her little buddy got out and was killed and she has been alone for awhile. Now she is happy to have company I think.
When my Barred Rocks were teens, they used to huddle my little day-old chicks and be thier mamas. I wouldn't have to worry about them at all. And the baby chicks seemed to always be happy.

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