My one eyed cross beaked broiler


Jul 17, 2018
Central FL
I just got her from the feed store. I went to grab a couple welsummers girls for my 3rd surprise boy (A Cali white). My DH and I got talking to one of the lady's about chicks while she was packing them. She said there was a deformed chick that she was going to be bringing home. The person that bought her with a few others brought her back and since she cant be sold the lady would take her. We were brought back to see her and when we saw this sweet little girl melted.

Well now I'm the proud owner of a goofy bird. She's eating and drinking decently. She's a slow grow white broiler which I'm hoping will be able to have a long happy life. I'm hoping with not being able to feed herself to death and being with 8 siblings free ranging will keep her problem free. Even if she has some underlying issues at least I know she's been given the best life possible for however it's been granted to her.
If I didn't say yes hubby would've made me. He's absolutely in love with her.
Update on her. I put down some wet starter mixed with a smidge of ACV and 10 drops of Nurti-drench last night. This morning her crop isn't full but it's got food in there.
NUH UH! I’ve had a rooster (he was got by a raccoon D:<) that had the same thing but was actually born without a eye in the socket, which caused a deformed skull and of course, a crossed beak. Wobbles was a rooster and had a cuddly personality. When he was a baby, we put him in a glove and he would fall asleep. He was a pretty red rooster with black tipped tail. I forget what type of chicken it was but Wobbles is still in my memory! :)
3.5 Week update. I'm leaning toward her actually being a boy but I've had trouble trying to find pictures to compare male and female broilers around this age. Either way I'm still going to refer to Moon as a girl.
She and her siblings are loving being outside most of the day. I've caught her sunbathing, roosting, and dust bathing like any normal chick. I don't think she knows that she's any different.

Her eye is open but it doesn't appear to have an iris/pupil. I'm unsure if she can see out of it but she reacts and "stares" at me with it whenever I pick her up. I've been using saline drops to try and keep it clean.

Also her comb is weird. It is 2 combs put together with little spikes in random areas. At this point instead of thinking it was an egg/hatching issue it seems to be genetic. Needless to say whatever gender Moon is there's going to be no offspring whether she wants them or not lol.


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