my pekins and my mallards


5 Years
Nov 18, 2014
I have 2 pekin and 4 mallard ducks the mallards are 3 weeka younger and pekins are much bigger. I want to put them all together but im worried about them hurting the mallards. I took one in to see how the pekins would behave and one ran up and chested the little one. Should i wait a few more weeks how long till mallards reach full size? Any advice or am i just to worried and they would figure it out?
Don't put them in together yet. The mallards will always be smaller but they need to be as mature as possible before introducing them. Monitor closely, and be prepared to keep them separated until you can get them to be together without undue conflict.
Thank you for the response. How long does it take for mallards to reach fill size or big enough size to move with the Pekins. Thank you again for your response!!!!

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