My Pet Chicken - All-Female Assortment 25-Pack


In the Brooder
9 Years
Mar 16, 2010
Raleigh, NC
I'm on pins-and-needles waiting for the post office to call and tell me they have a peeping box that I need to come pick up. Who else ordered one of these 25-packs from My Pet Chicken with a June 1 hatch date and have you receive them yet? What did you get? Anyone from NC?
i ordered mine from the same place..but only 9..i'm in mine last night...waited all day for the phone call!!
I'm a few hours from you, on the inner banks

I got my chicks last week from MPC, I LOVE them. I ordered 10, one died the 1st night
But the others are doing well.
I have one that flys up and lands on my hand every time i go in there
Hey...just found this post! Mine came yesterday from MPC and I believe I got the same assortment as you!!! It was the female variety for $47.50 & free shipping??? Mine are so cute. I had posted pics yesterday. Did you get yours yet and do you have pics???
I just got my June 1st order from MPC (six chicks). The post office called me about 9:30 (Colorado time). They all seem to be doing well and are eating, drinking and healthy. The wait was maddening this morning!
Good Luck to you all...I can not think of anything that has caused me more stress than waiting for that phone call from the post office...ughhh...then when I get them they are the most adorable things ever and I forget the stress and order more...LOL

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