MY plucker is done!! added!


In the Brooder
9 Years
Sep 6, 2010
West Central GA
So excited!! My whizbang-style plucker is complete!! My husband and a guy he deals with at work (who is really good at fabricating stuff) got together on it and built it out of scrapped stuff...I only had to buy the rubber fingers online... I haven't seen it yet, but they say it's ready to go! Framed in and everything!
NOW, gotta find something to process... TEST RUN!!
If it works well, I'll be glad to tote it around and help others in west central GA/ east Al, etc.....



(edited to add pics)
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My husband works in maintenance at a large manufacturing plant... he scrounged bearings from work, and most other things from vendors... the motor supply company he uses has refurbished motors, etc. The only thing I actually paid for was the rubber fingers...found 125 on Ebay for 55 dollars. I intend to pay the guy who actually put it all together for me, though. He is really a terrific guy. Can't wait to get my hands on it! I don't mind hand-plucking at all, but only want to do 3 or so at a time or I get tired of it. This should speed things up considerably.


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