My polish. Standard or Bantam? New Pics of Roo!


11 Years
Aug 10, 2008
Cuero Tx
I am wanting to figure out if my polish are bantam or standard here are my two pullets. In the pics they are around 6 months old.


Thanks for any comments. Also what do you think of their quality?
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Well I just went and weighed them and the two hens are 3 lbs and they are just at 50 wks old.
My rooster is 3.5 lbs and he is at 6 months. Those pics abover were from when the hens were about 5-6 months old. So would their weights show they are standard? Thanks
Yeah, that is too heavy for bantams. If I remember correctly the standard weight for a bantam roo is 30 oz. (so just under 2 lbs.). They aren't huge birds, but they are average size chickens as large fowl. You must have large that what they were sold to you as? It is so hard to tell from the pictures. And they still have a little bit of growing to do, too.
The two hens I got as eggs, and the lady did not tell me. The rooster was sold to me as standard but I was not sure since right now he is just a little bit bigger than the two hens. So do you know about (age wize) when they will reach their full size?

Also Crunchie I may be looking for some hatching eggs in the future. I sent you a pm about it.

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