My 'Recipie' for crazy good laying hens!!


10 Years
May 26, 2009
So I have 4 hens who are about 10 months old, hatched here at home under their momma. They have each layed an egg almost every single day since they started laying at 6 months old. There have even been a few 5 egg days!! I've heard that chickens cant or dont lay more than 1 egg a day, and usually they skip a day or 3 in between. Buuuuut, I only have 4 hens- period. No other chickens, no neighbors with hens that could be laying in their nest, so all the eggs must be theirs and they are gathered everyday, without fail ( my 3 year old and 5 year old never miss a day of egg hunting!!) I am very happy with the large to extra large size they have been on a consistant basis, of course they were a tiny bit smaller in the first couple of weeks laying, but otherwise they have been really gooood size and a beautiful creamy tan color, not dark tan, just pretty light tan. And they have layed us 4 eggs every single day for months now, we are never out of fresh eggs around here!

So, heres what we did- Mixed one crazy,(he was cool with everyone but our 2 year old- apparently my son was his arch-nemisis and the roo would attack him EVERYTIME any of us turned our backs to my son, but he never attacked when we were watching, he was like a feathered ninja stalker) sweet, ( he loved all the other kids and would sit in their arms most contentedly) sometimes maniacal POLISH roo (our only roo, so no mistaking the papa) he was orange with white lacing, and then we added one super kind and loving, not to mention broody, MARANS mama- she was black with the bits of white, like she should be as a Marans. She was the only one we had, and the only reddish brown egg layer in our flock, and those were the only eggs we let her sit on to hatch, so no mistaking the mama (or babies) in this one either!

Heres what ya get- (or at least what we got, Lol) Cute, yellow fuzzy butts who come out with one or 2 black 'spots'. As they grow they turn white with the occasional black spotting still showing thru. They do get a kind of 'half afro', not a real polish hairdo- just kinda puffy up there. Now, I', not saying this cross comes out particularly pretty, or even very friendly (our fault for not playing with them more as chicks and young birds) But, they are the champion layers around here. They are free-range on 2 acres, and get grains, flock raiser as well as table scraps as far as food goes. I think they're pretty well fed, they weigh about 5-6 pounds each.

Disclaimer: Your results may be different, my experience may be unique, please dont breed any animal you are not prepared to care for or find a good home for. That said, I would love to see and hear about everyone else's cross results!
Would love to see pics of your girls!
I have a few pics, but I'm not sure how to upload pics here? I'm not a golden feather member, if that makes any difference. If you know how to add pics, let me know and I'll get them up tonight or tomorrow. Thanks!
look up the top of the page where it says Index, User list, Rules ect and you'll see uploads, Click it and then where it says File and has a black space and then there is a button that says browse, click browse and it will open up your files and pictures on your computer, pick the photo you want then click submit. This will put in your folder on byc. when the upload is finished click down in the right hand corner where it says My uploads and there you will see your picture , then right click and copy the second link underneath the picture and then go back to where you post your message and paste it. I hope I explained it alright, now I've re-read it it sound abit confusing.

I hope this picture comes thru- Its a pic of our Polish Marans mix at about 3 months old, maybe 4 months, it was taken before she started laying....

THanks soooo much for the pic posting help!!! Will keep trying if this didnt work!!

Me 'lovin' the daddy of the hen in the previous picture.....


Our daddy roo "RockStar" in all his glory- The ChickenKing"......

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