My Red Star can't walk...(pictures)


10 Years
Aug 15, 2009
Modesto, California
Go to let the mutt girls out and everyone was fine. I go out a few hours later and notice my Red Star hen unable to stand. I picked her up and moved her to the yard and she can't move. I put food and water infront of her and she ate and drank. She looks 100% heathly but can't stand. I put in her in an area I use for my injured birds and she is just there, talking to me eating and drinking. She has even laid an egg in the past 12 hours!
The only thing I can think of is she did get out of the chicken area yesterday (the wind blew the gate open) and she might have gotten into some weed killer that was sprayed 2 days ago.

Anything I can do to help her? What could be wrong? If she was sick could she still have laid an egg?
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Did you check to see if she slipped her tendons (although being past point of lay, it is less likely they have)? Any obvious cuts or bone breaks to the legs? Any other neurological symptoms, such as holding her head oddly?
She did stand for a sec but sat right back down.
This is her:


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