My rooster is suddenly acting weird

How long should I let him keep on pulling on there neck feathers until he is just being mean. I will do this, but I would like him to try and get over it himself. Will he do it himself?
It depends on the bird. He has to mature. And some cockerels never stop harassing the pullets. There are good and bad cockerels out there, give him time to mature, he could be a good one. But you really do need to separate him from the pullets
I put my blue orp cockerel and hamburg bantam both into dog cages back in September for harassing pullets and mature hens. There was a lot of frantic pacing and crowing. I put them each back in with the flock when the pullets laid their first eggs late last month (so 3 months caged but able to see/ hear the flock).. They have left off bothering the girls and just tidbit for them now. It may have helped that it is winter now and horomones are on the downswing.

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