I just came from the coop and my showgirls are finally laying! I got two eggs from my showgirls in January and they weren't fertile, and nothing since. Every day I check and sift through the shaving to see if any are hiding, and nothing! Today I got four! Holy cow! So in the bator they go, I'm hoping that they are fertile! If they are they will be splash! Which for me is awesome I've been working on my showgirls for sometime and this year will be F11!!! I'm so excited! Hubby just rolls his eyes and smiles that whatever kinda smile.......
I don't understand, are you talking about fertility? Tell me more......
Why wait?! What if these are fertile, you are throwing away potential babies. If I was you, I'd be setting every egg in the pen,lol. Congrats on the eggs, do you have any pics of the parent birds? I'd love to see them!
Great news! How old are your Showgirls? I have one who is five months old... I waited 8-9 months for my Silkies and I have a feeling I'll have to wait this long for Giblet!
My showgirls are going on two years old. I have blue, white, black and buff and partridge. They seem to come into lay for the season really slowly. Once it warms up and is sunnier, they lay better obviously, it seems to have been a long time coming this year. I'm just excited that they are finally laying. I've been waiting and waiting for them to lay so I can hatch their eggs. Last year they weren't penned separately, this year they all are by color. So, its been alot of hard work to get here, and I just can't wait to see their babies....