My silver partridge silkie crossed w my speckled Sussex bantams


7 Years
Apr 2, 2017
Spencer Indiana
Does anyone have any insight on what the chickens may look like as adults? My silver partridge silkie was sitting on what I thought were all speckled Sussex bantam eggs but she snuck a few of her own in there and now I have a cross. The chick is yellow and looks like it will have a partridge pattern judging by the brown spots on the head and feathers on feet. Just curious..I thought if anyone had come across this cross it would be on here.
Yes, you've got yourself a red sex-link there. If there are no gold tones to the down, it's a boy. As mottling is recessive, he won't be mottled, but should get his father's Colombian restriction single factor so I would expect almost a quail pattern, with black leaking along the back.
Apologies, as I misread your original response. Yes, a sex linked cross is the result here, and whilst males often do eventually get a golden cast, their chick down is yellow, whilst the females get gold.

Thank since the male is red and the female silver u r saying that the adults will be gold with a quail type pattern? confused me a little bit.
Here's just an update of the chicks I have that hatched from the cross in case anyone is interested...two of them have the Walnut comb and one has a single comb.

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