My soon-to-be-processed Barred Rocks


Star Bright Farm
11 Years
Jul 24, 2008
Brown City, Michigan (Thumb)
Just wanted to post a few pics of my 11 week old BRs. Out of 4 eggs, I have 3 roos and 1 hen.
The 3 roos will be processed in about 3 weeks, and I'm indecisive on the hen.
I just can't justify in my brain the idea of wintering only 1 standard hen. So she may join the boys. But aren't they pretty right now?




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Very nice looking! You can't get the girl a friend for the winter? If not, I guess the best choice is to process her as well then. Hope they turn out yummy for you!
Yeah! I found a home for my pullet! I couldn't find any pullets to go with her, so I found her a new home instead of eating her!
I'm so relieved...I REALLY didn't want to put her in the freezer. There's just something so wrong about processing a nice pullet.
How do you know that you have 3 Roos? I have 2 Barred Rocks that are about 10 weeks old and I have no clue as to their sex. I know that usually the males are lighter..but it looks like you have 2 light ones and 2 dark I'm just wondering. I was under the impression that they won't lay eggs until they are about 5 months old....or on the other hand...wouldn't start crowing until 5 months????

I'm really hoping that I have 2 hens because we're all pretty attached to them...but it seems that each week is so nerve wracking. I was just wondering how you already knew.

Thanks for any help!
Michelle...if she is lonely, she can come to my house! c'mon, you're already making the trip...

p.s. she looks like she wants to come to Aunt Rhandi's house...

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