My Sweet Chicken Tender Nikes story


Mar 17, 2021
Milton, Florida
🐔 Tender came into this world as a BIG surprise. My Light Susex Icicle Frost had been sitting on both hers And her White Leghorn ß
 Sis Ursla Seashells eggs. As they were in the same clutch. She had been so
Die hard sitting on those eggs. But it had been too long. So after 30 days I went in to try and remove the eggs she wouldn't get off of. As I'm using my grabber and removed a couple of eggs. To which she GREATLY opposed me doing. All of a sudden I'm front of my mostly white bird, I see a fluffy black steak!! Out of the 28 eggs of her first laid eggs, she hatched a single chick. Well my fiance was at work when I realized we had a baby. But it puzzled me as she was primarily all black with a couple of small splashes of white in her wing. Hmm how is it possible that a chick is hatched primarily black, with yellow/orangish colored legs to parents that are primarily white with white legs. And which hen laid her?!? Didn't know until going on my Facebook groups, that hen can hold sperm for awhile. Now comes the dilemma which Roo is DADDY?!? First we have daddy number 1, my Friday Wednesday my white EE mix, Then daddy number two, who I thought it might be, Elvis my Barred Rock rooster, or lastly my Ayma Cemani Mix Roo Trouble Maker Pain In My Butt. Still no clue who mommy is. When it came to her name, my fiance wanted to name her Chicken Alfredo, my brother wanted it to be, Chicken Fry. But I named her Chicken Tender. She hasn't yet gotten the second middle name yet. Fast forward a month and a half to almost two weeks ago. In Florida we had gotten A freak cold snap(like we do currently is 47°in APRIL ON EASTER!!) SO my fiance went out to check on baby chick. And he comes in with her in his hands. I thought perhaps because it was so cold. But he said no. She's injured pretty bad. Well of course I freak out. To see a cut in her chest and it looked like her croup was kind of pushed aside. Well we clean it, and keep her in a parrot cage in the house. 3 days after the injury my fiance is staring hard at her, and he says in a worried voice, we've got a big problem. I'm like what?!? He said I just watched her drink and all the water just came out of a hole!!! Well again I freak out!! Crying because I didn't want my baby to die. And feeling guilty
Because I hadn't realized there was a hole in her chest. I went straight to fb my chicken groups as I had tried to use a band aid, didn't work, a wrap didn't work, and gauze pads, didn't work. I was all out of options. Until someone posted to use Super Glue. That they had sometime similar happen to one of their chicks. And it lived. So with shaky hands we cleaned the area and Super Glued our chick with pouring liquid band aid over the top of it. It's now been almost two weeks. You would never have known she was in dier straights, if you were not told. She's gotten way bigger, her chest has healed except for the missing feathers which are growing back now.
 Now comes in her second name. The brand Nike used that name because it was after a Greek goddess. Which the name meant victory or Victor. As she would award flowers to the winner of fights the Gods had. So because Chicken Tender had victory over dying. I decided to name her Chicken Tender Nike. Her are some pics of my tenders life. Including visiting with daddy#2 through the fence with daddy number 1 mad lol last ones are the most recent ones showing her healing area! I love my Tender so much. And now as soon as we walk in the room, she'll pace back and forth on her cage until we open the door. Then she'll fly right to my lap. She's a mommas girl big time. I guess it's because she owes her life to me, IDK


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