my turken and my turkeys *pic's*


12 Years
Oct 2, 2007
Lincoln, Illinois
I was having a hard time convincing my DH that I needed to keep my turken rooster, well he is all grown up and still here! he has proved to be a very nice gentle rooster, and behaves himself, so he is doing great!
Also I have 2 royal palm turkeys left from ordering 5 from cackle, 2 died almost right away, they were smaller from the start, and one got blown out of a tree during a bad storm, and hit his head on the roof of on one of our little chicken coops.
poor little turkey. So I have a hen and a Tom, and they are doing great!!
I have been busy working lately and not much time for computer.
Just wanted to show my pictures off.

im gonna try to add pic of my turkey (not sure how to do it)

C:\\Users\\Dusty\\Pictures\\2008-09-22 critters and car\\critters and car 004.JPG
I do love my turkeys too! The first time they started strutting my husband and I just stood by the window and watched them, like proud parents!!
Now, we have a bunch of guineas too, 10 are what we hatched this summer, they sleep in the trees too, and fly up on the roof of the house, I can hear them pattering across the roof and know to go out the back door with the hose!!
They are so funny.

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