Oct 24, 2012 #1 mstricer Crowing 15 Years Feb 12, 2009 7,513 238 456 Ohio This is the third time I have found my hen trapping the olive egger rooster and beating the crap out of him. He's dumb and tries to fight the girl until the toms come around then he runs. Does anyone have this issue?
This is the third time I have found my hen trapping the olive egger rooster and beating the crap out of him. He's dumb and tries to fight the girl until the toms come around then he runs. Does anyone have this issue?
Oct 24, 2012 #2 Poultrybonkers Free Ranging Premium Feather Member 13 Years Mar 22, 2011 7,868 12,780 741 My Coop My Coop Cant say i do my roosters in love with my turkey lol