My two little mystery bantams.


May 7, 2015
Floresville, TX
Since the minimum chick purchase at my TSC is 6 (and I really only wanted 4) I threw in a couple of bantams to use as yard art. :) They are adorable but I have no clue what they are. I am also putting a pic of the second (the black one) chick's legs as they are rather heavily feathered. The brown chick has clean yellow legs. If anyone knows what the little darlings are it would be much appreciated. :)



The first chick looks like some varitiey of Old English Bantam, but I'm not sure which. Old English don't have yellow legs, but leg color can sometimes change.

The second one is probably a Black (with some odd feather coloration) or Mottled Cochin Bantam.
Thanks. :) I am just not at all familiar with bantams. I have had a few sprinkled in for cuteness over the years but that's it. I hope that is a cochin. :) They are such fluffy little cuties!
I am just not at all familiar with bantams. I have had a few sprinkled in for cuteness over the years but that's it. I hope that is a cochin.
They are such fluffy little cuties!
I agree with you there. I'd love to get a couple of Cochins and Brahmas. I love the huge cushions/saddles and feathered legs (my weakness in chicken breeds
The black one is either a Black Cochin or a Silver Laced Cochin. The brown one is some variety of Old English Game bantam.
Thanks. They are so sweet! I can't wait til they are grown! :) Right now I have one bantam with my standard chickens. She is a gorgeous little gold laced naked neck. The man I bought her from insisted she was a standard even though i was about 95% positive she wasn't. She is super tiny so these guys won't be the only little ones. She recently hatched some of her eggs and they are quickly outgrowing their momma! :)
Thanks. They are so sweet! I can't wait til they are grown!
Right now I have one bantam with my standard chickens. She is a gorgeous little gold laced naked neck. The man I bought her from insisted she was a standard even though i was about 95% positive she wasn't. She is super tiny so these guys won't be the only little ones. She recently hatched some of her eggs and they are quickly outgrowing their momma!

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