my two week old chick attacked by dog

Jeremy Wingate

May 7, 2015
East Texas
My little ones had a run in with a dog it killed one and injured another the injured one seems to be doing fine its eating and up walking around but has a pretty nasty hole in its back any advice on what to do should I sew it up or leave it open to drain and should I put anything on it
With a dirty wound, I usually feel that it should stay open and heal from the inside out. It will eventually fill in barring infection. Cleaning wounds with betadine , chlorhexadrene, or soap and water, then rinsing, and drying them is good. Plain antibiotic ointment such as Neosporin can be applied twice daily. Bruising which looks green may occur, but look for any redness, swelling or discharge from the wound that might indicate infection. The most important thing is to keep flies away so that maggots don't get into the wound. That may mean keeping her inside, or using a product called Swat which repels flies.
Thanks I am keeping her inside and she seems to be doing good and the wound is looking good also I just hope she is going to be okay if she makes it she will definitely be the spoiled girl out of the bunch
Well my little chick that has obtained the name Gimp when back in the coop last night and is doing well after the circumstances im just so relived that he/she made it through
Jeremy, you can put table sugar in the wound. It will help it heal from the inside out. I did this for my goat when she was attacked by a dog. It took about a month for her to be where she didn't need it any more, but it was a big hole. Your chick should heal faster, but put it in there twice a day until it stops disappearing. If you see it from one application to the next , you can stop. Prior to the sugar rinse out the wound with a betadine solution (water and iodine). Dry it out as best you can with guaze or cotton fabric. Then add sugar.
Good luck.:)

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