My young hen is dying.


In the Brooder
Feb 8, 2023
I'm trying to save my cream crested leg bar. We got her this July 2023. She was lively on Sunday. On Monday she wouldn't stand and eyes were half shut. We thought she was dying. Tuesday she laid 2 eggs, it was her first time laying, so I assume she had inbound eggs. I tried to feed her, but she just sleeps. I brought her inside and has been trying to give her yogurt, egg yolk, crushed calcium with sugar water. Is there anything else I can do? I'm also researching about Marek's disease. My rooster might have died from it and maybe that's what's making my hen sick?
When did you get them? Is she new?
What is her diet?
We got all our chicks in July from the same source. We get organic feed from Scratch & Peck, occasion grubterra, chickens free range in the yard, so weeds, grass, kale, compost pile.
We got all our chicks in July from the same source. We get organic feed from Scratch & Peck, occasion grubterra, chickens free range in the yard, so weeds, grass, kale, compost pile.
How's her crop feel? Doughy? Squishy? Hard? Oh could be a crop problem or she found something bad in the compost pile
It seems most likely that she is having reproductive trouble. Can you feel an egg when you gently press the area around her vent?

I would put a whole calcium pill in her mouth to swallow if you haven't already. Also putting her in a warm, steamy bathroom or on a warming pad might help, though you'd need to look out for signs of overheating. Keep her hydrated as best you can with sugar or electrolyte water. If you have nutri-drench I'd add a little of that to her water.
I'm trying to save my cream crested leg bar. We got her this July 2023. She was lively on Sunday. On Monday she wouldn't stand and eyes were half shut. We thought she was dying. Tuesday she laid 2 eggs, it was her first time laying, so I assume she had inbound eggs. I tried to feed her, but she just sleeps. I brought her inside and has been trying to give her yogurt, egg yolk, crushed calcium with sugar water. Is there anything else I can do? I'm also researching about Marek's disease. My rooster might have died from it and maybe that's what's making my hen sick?
How is she?

She's just now come into lay and laid 2eggs?
I'd get some Calcium into her right away. Calcium Citrate if you have it. Give one daily.

What is her crop like? You mention compost pile, any other birds showing signs of illness?
Work on hydration, get the calcium into. If you lose her, then getting another necropsy would give you better answers as to whether the decline was due to Marek's or if there is something else going.
We get organic feed from Scratch & Peck, occasion grubterra, chickens free range in the yard, so weeds, grass, kale, compost pile.
How's her crop feel? Doughy? Squishy? Hard? Oh could be a crop problem or she found something bad in the compost pile
Crop feels empty, not squishy. I can't believe she's still alive. Been giving her the calcium/sugar water with syringe every hour.
How is she?

She's just now come into lay and laid 2eggs?
I'd get some Calcium into her right away. Calcium Citrate if you have it. Give one daily.

What is her crop like? You mention compost pile, any other birds showing signs of illness?
Work on hydration, get the calcium into. If you lose her, then getting another necropsy would give you better answers as to whether the decline was due to Marek's or if there is something else going.
She's the same, sleeping, giving her calcium, sugar water with syringe. Crop is empty. She did have a more normal poo this morning, more solid, but still stinky. The other birds seems normal. I wonder if the Marek took advantage when she was laying. Yes, it was her first time, and she had difficulties and laid 2 in the same morning. Thanks for caring.

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