my young roo.. what is he?


5 Years
Sep 23, 2014
Hiya. This roo was gifted to me and the wife since we have so many youngsters. I love his color and I haven't named him yet, tho his behavior leans towards "not so Mr nice guy." He always tries to get on the 7 week old ones and has removed neck feathers from a few. He tried to bully some hens but one showed him who's boss. I would like him to take over roo duties. He is easy to catch and doesn't mind too much being held. On the porch he will strut and it's funny watching him puff up before he makes his calls.


Edit: added picture
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Thanks for the insight. When I get home this weekend I'll get some more shots of him.

He's a mixed breed rooster. I call them calcios, with this color. He had something barred (probably a Rock), and something red in the gene pool. Beautiful color!
Thanks for the input. I thought he was pretty also but didn't think he was quite like the other roos I've seen pictures of. You guys/ gals are awesome. :)

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