Mystery Breed...


6 Years
Sep 1, 2013
Hello! I've had four pullets since April 14th of this year, all roughly a week old; one of which (Eponine) I still cannot tell the breed of. When she was a chick, I had thought she was a Blue Andalusian.

Then as she got older, I thought she was perhaps a mix between a Blue Andalusian and a Self Blue.

Though now I really don't think so. I believe she's a mixed breed, but I haven't a clue what of.

I would really appreciate to hear what you think!
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I would say a mixed breed hen, I she is splash colored but has some faint blue barrings too. Maybe a blue or splash maran crossed with a barred rock?
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She does look like a mix, very pretty color. Do you know where she came from and if she should be a breed?
She really does look like a cross between the two! Now that I recall, the lady that I got her from had a couple of chickens that resembled Blue Splash Marans, and tons of Barred Rocks. She certainly has the temperament of the two as well. Thank you very much!
The lady that we got her from had loads of different breeds, which I am sure were mixed in breeding. As said by Veer67, she does resemble a cross between a Barred Rock and Blue Splash Maran. We would like to eventually hatch her eggs.

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