Mystery "rare assorted" chick - Cream Legbar or some kind of Egger?

Rivendell Chick

Apr 13, 2020
Northeast Georgia, USA
This pretty little girl came from Hoovers and I've been thinking she was an egger of some sort, perhaps Prairie Bluebell. She's looking a lot like a Cream Legbar though with her overall coloring and little crest, but I know Eggers can have crests too.

She is the most petite in my flock of Marans, Welsummer, Wyandotte and has quite the funny little personality! Also a lap sitter and will make my much larger Andalusian scoot over so she can sit with me too. Thoughts? Blue eggs either way?
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Perhaps an olive egger. Looks like a cream legbar mix of some kind.
Just looked at Hoover's description of their Olive Eggers, 2 crosses. One of which is a legbar/welsummer cross, which would make a lot of sense. She hangs out with the Welsummer the most, they looked identical as chicks and have similar voices compared to the rest of the flock. Yay for green eggs, and she is just the cutest!

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